MCS 101
The following publications are recommended for a comprehensive perspective on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity:
Nicholas A. Ashford, PhD, JD, and Claudia Miller, MD. Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes, 2nd Edition (1998) Read for free on Dr. Ann McCampbell’s website, www.annmccampbellmd.com.
Pamela Reed Gibson, PhD. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: A Survival Guide, 2nd Edition (2006) Read the book online or download the e-book for free: Get the book. — Environmental Sensitivities Resource Team (mcsresearch.net).
Robert S. Mayer, PhD. Strategies for Surviving Chemical Sensitivity: The Basics, (2010). Available from Chemical Injury Information Network, www.cinn.org and from Amazon www.amazon.com.
Ann McCampbell, MD. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (2018) 24pp. Order from www.annmccampbellmd.com.